Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A New Year

The holidays FLEW by and now it is the evening of the second day of the year. Yikes. Already?

While the word resolution has always reminded me of smokers trying to quit, here are a few things I would like to accomplish in 2013:

Learn something new.
I've been a little lost the past year without new grad school classes. Odd, I know. I miss learning new things. This year, I'm thinking something fun - like something artsy or outdoorsy.

Make new friends.
Again, with being finished with grad school, I have had more free time on my hands during the past year. I have also come to the realization that my husband doesn't necessarily want to be going, doing, and seeing things every (okay every other) free minute.

Entertain more.
We love cooking for a crowd and have cookware and dishes that sit unused. I think one of the biggest problem in this department is not planning ahead. Maybe being more organized with this is a key factor in making this happen?

Could I be any more ambiguous?

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